Thursday, May 11, 2006

Republican House Parties

As previously mentioned, one of my more devious and funny friends signed me up for GOP propaganda emails. Usually, I just ignore them, but I got one yesterday with the subject line offering me my own website: The body then encouraged me to host a "house party" on June 22. Here's the text:
Dear Daniel,

Recently, Chairman Ken Mehlman invited you to make history. On May 22, thousands of you will gather at GOP House Parties across America - and for the first time, you'll be able to see the difference your party made and where it ranks with others, live on The five most successful house parties with 10 or more donors will even earn a special thank you: a first-of-its-kind GOP-edition iPod with Video.*

Start your party - and move up the rankings - now at

May 22nd is about putting the tools to make history this November in your hands. The place that makes it all possible is MyGOP - your personalized home, where you can build your team, share your photos, publicize your events, post blog comments, and more.

The address? It could be: Here's a small guided tour:
Build Your Team: Once you have your site, use it to build and manage your team - think of it as your GOP Address Book on the Web. Whether you get your friends and family to visit your site and sign up or you add their contact information to the list, your team is your foundation.
Personalized Campaign HQ. You have the power to create and manage campaigns, to reach personalized goals and make a real difference in the next election. With MyGOP, you can recruit volunteers, register new voters, and fundraise for the Republican Party. The MyGOP leaderboard will highlight the most successful sites in America.
MyGOP Local. This is the place where online activism turns into volunteers, votes, and victory on the ground. Use our mapping feature to easily locate GOP events, or promote your own. Soon, you'll have the ability to locate other MyGOP users and supporters near you, forming volunteer teams in your community that you organize online.
Your Photos. Post your favorite photos. Each site comes with a photo gallery, which you can use to share photos of you and your friends taking action for the Republican Party!
Your Welcome Message. Each website has a customizable welcome message. Why do you support President Bush and the Republican Party? Tell your visitors why here!
Search. Through MyGOP's Search feature, you can easily find your friends and other supporters near you. You can also choose to make your site private, sharing it only with friends and family.

All of this comes together on May 22 as thousands of Americans use MyGOP to build new connections in their communities - and a select group receives a very special thank you.

Start your party. Get your site. And join us on May 22 as we change the face of online politics.


Michael DuHaime
RNC Political Director

P.S. There's no one better to bring the Republican message into your community than you. Please join us on May 22.

* The Republican National Committee is not affiliated with Apple Computer, maker of the iPod Video.
GOP-edition iPod? Republican house parties in a competition? "Very special thank yous"?

Friends, in the face of so very much satirical opportunity, I am silenced.


Blogger pom. said...

I've been getting these exact same emails.. I have this one too.

5/12/2006 1:19 PM  

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