Halliburton, Bush, Clinton, and the NYSE
I was reflecting on the fact that Bush has been pretty much an economic disaster, and that relatively few people have prospered under his administration. An exception, however, is Halliburton. I just ran a chart on the tremendously helpful BigCharts site, and got this comparison of Halliburton to the NYSE. As you can see, the NYSE has dropped since W took office, but Halliburton has outperformed the market during the Bush years to the tune of a 70% rise in value.

Now, let's look at the same comparison during the Clinton years.

In short, Clinton was good for everybody, but Halliburton failed to keep up with the prosperity. Bush, on the other hand, has been bad for the NYSE as a whole, but Halliburton has thrived (comparatively). Guess which company has the Vice President?
Omigod! Look how much Bush and the neocons are in cahoots with Google!
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