Don't Take My Word For It - Come And See the AG Candidates for Yourself
I know I've been pretty direct in my assessment of the candidates - Harris is the only one with the Democratic values combined with high-level Attorney General experience, and deserves to win the primary election and the general election. If you're content to take my word for it, then go ahead and do something else on May 22nd, but, if you want to form your own opinion, show up at UMKC.
Here are a few ways to figure out if you're in the right place. If you see Chris Koster there, talking about being a prosecutor, and avoiding all mention of his time working for a criminal Republican in the AG's office, you're in the right place. If you see Margaret Donnelly there, with her campaign staff telling her that Kansas City is St. Louis' western most suburb, you're in the right place. If you see Molly Korth Williams there, wearing a "Koster" button "because Judge Dandurand asked me to", you're in the right place. If you see Jeff Harris there, tuning up a guitar, you're in the right place.
Mark your calendar today, and come out to the Attorney General debate. See if you agree with my pick . . .
Labels: attorney general, CCP, democrats, donnelly, Jeff Harris, koster, Molly Korth Williams
Are you sure Donnelly and Koster will actually bother to show up for the debate?
First Koster and now Donnelly backed out of the first debate in Kirksville. Apparently talking to college students and voters isn't as important as other "things" on their schedules.
According to reports, they both confirmed for the event only to find something better to do. How sad. We deserve better than that.
Interesting that the reception is sponsored by the law firm of Lathrop, Gage, & Blunt. Will they be handing out license bureau franchises along with the hours dourves?
Eric Wesson as a panelist tells me there is no credibility here.
Koster loved to say he didn't plea bargain. For the average lawyer, that was true.
But it forced them to plea matters up to the judge when appropriate, and Dandurand always did the right thing.
But he didn't think much of Koster passing the buck.
Some times plea bargains are called for, and reflect justice.
Of course, if the goal is political prestige, then well....
Yeah, Lathrop and Gage are really "people's lawyers".
Lathrop and Gage, former employer of Diana Kander (no matter how many times you make this disappear Dan.)
Who is Diana Kander
I deleted a fraudulent comment, because it claimed to come from somebody it didn't. I don't allow that.
Diana Kander is the wife of a candidate in the race for state rep of Missouri's 44th. She used to work for Lathrop, before leaving on her own volition.
Back on subject....
I got the annoucement in the mail. CCP'ers, make a note to keep Bough away from designing mailers next time.
Looking at this piece is worse than staring at a really bad Christmas tie.
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