Tuesday, December 04, 2007

10 Pounds of Food & Pryde's Old Westport

Think, for a second, about the dual role of food here in Kansas City. For many of us, it is a frequent focus of pleasure. We amuse ourselves with new tastes, we accompany it with great beverages, we present it attractively, and we consume it with great friends.

For others, it's a frequent source of concern. If you're out of money and your kids need to be fed, or if you're homebound and the kitchen is bare, food is not pleasure - it is survival. While people don't often starve to death in Kansas City, children, seniors and people trying to get their lives on track regularly go without proper nutrition. Every single day. Thousands of them.

Two worlds.

One of Kansas City's best local foodie shops, Pryde's of Westport, is offering a couple easy bridges between those worlds.

First, and easiest, here's a coupon, where they'll donate $5 to the Bishop Sullivan Center if you spend $25, plus, you get a free pound of their coffee. If you're going there, please use the coupon!

Second, and almost as easy, Pryde's will donate 10 pounds of food to the Bishop Sullivan Center if you go here and give them your name and email. I did it and it didn't trigger a flood of spam, so, really, why not invest a few seconds of your time and help get 10 pounds of food to someone who needs it?

Pryde's is a great store - their selection of kitchen gadgets and foodie stuff is better and more thoughtful than Williams-Sonoma or any of the other corporate chains, their shop is quirky and fun to explore, and their location is great. The fact that they are such great, compassionate corporate citizens makes it even more satisfying to shop there.

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Blogger Spyder said...

I signed up by email to donate the 10lbs of food.

12/04/2007 8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people who run Pryde's Old Westport are actively Anti-Choice and Homo-Phobic, so I will not do business there. I just want people who believe in freedom and equality to understand where their money goes when they buy items there. You decide.

12/04/2007 8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up, I will do my Christmas shopping at Pryde's now "someone."

What is it like to know you will burn in hell forever?

12/05/2007 11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if you don't like Pryde's, register and make them give 10 pounds of food away . . .

12/06/2007 2:07 PM  

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