Saturday, November 24, 2007

Give the Republicans Their Money Back, Koster!

Even Mike Gibbons, the "other" Republican in the race for Missouri Attorney General, has agreed that contributions received in excess of the voter-approved caps ought to be returned. Chris Koster is now the only candidate in the race who refuses to comply with the law - not a good sign for an attorney general candidate.

Humorously, Koster's refusal to return hundreds of thousands of dollars from a right-wing Republican operative operating through dozens of shell PACs is based upon his belief that the system should be more transparent.

I understand that it must be challenging for Chris Koster to run as a Democrat after years of suppressing Democratic voices in the Senate and fighting against Democratic values. But returning Republican money really ought to be one of the easiest steps.

Unless he's really thinking about flip-flopping back to the Republican side, where he could be running against his weak fellow-Republican Mike Gibbons . . .

Fortunately, the Democrats have a great candidate in Jeff Harris. From all I've seen, Jeff Harris is the only Democrat who is going to seek Kansas City voters, and he's the one who can appeal to outstate voters.

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