Hungary Heart
Those who know me and my circumstances would be justified in expecting one of my maudlin, ruminative postings today. In a few hours, we'll drive to the airport so Ali can begin her journey to Budapest, Hungary, from which she will not return until the eve of Christmas Eve. It's been a great summer with her, and I've enjoyed having her around. I'll miss her horribly.
But I'm not going to be weepy today. This is cool - this is joyful and outstanding.
Studying in Hungary for four months! She'll be surrounded by history and the present. She'll see the Danube River. She'll visit Romania and God knows what other countries I've always wanted to see. She'll taste foods, see sights, drink beers, hear music, meet people and live in an apartment in a city that was sealed off behind the Iron Curtain when I was her age. In so many ways, the world has opened up for her.
And few people I know are better suited to carpe this diem. Ali is wide-eyed but streetsmart. She attracts people with her wit, beauty and smile, but she's selective about who gets close. She's adept enough in languages (state medalist in Latin!) to venture boldly into a country where the only native word she knows is Hungarian for "beer". (She may look like her mother, but I've had my own influences . . .)
So, bon voyage, sweetheart. Living abroad will teach you lots about yourself and the world. I'll check your new blog regularly. You'll be absolutely brilliant in Hungary, and I'm thrilled you have this opportunity.
Sail on silver girl
Sail on by
Your time has come to shine
All your dreams are on their way
Ali, safe trip, have fun, study hard, and tell us all about it.
How exciting! When I studied abroad our mantra was, porque no? Or, why not? Another way to say sieze the day. Live it up Ali!
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