99 Bottles of Beer on the Blog - Abita Turbodog
New Orleans' favorite brewery is located just across Lake Pontchartrain in Abita Springs, Louisianna. Like so much in Louisianna, Abita Brewery does its own thing without much regard for the ways of the rest of the world. Turbodog Ale is its version of a brown ale - one of the most ancient and traditional styles of ale, both in its original English version and in its hoppier American version. Turbodog is a flawed Engish Brown Ale, and a poor example of an American Brown Ale. That said, it does exactly what a brown ale from New Orleans ought to do - provide a great experience while telling the rest of the world to piss off.

On the tongue, Turbodog strikes up the jazz band. It has a surprisingly firm base of hop bitterness that balances perfectly with the rich malt. Tangy is not a word I would normally use to describe a beer I like, but somehow the hops and malt come together with a zing that fits that can only be described that way. It's like the horns in a New Orleans jazz band - most jazz bands do just fine without them, but they sure do add a lot of joy to the music.
English Brown Ales are all about the malt, and American Brown Ales are all about the hops. Abita Turbodog is all about making them play together, in a way that makes them both surprising and fresh.
Because it is so rich, dark and flavorful, Turbodog is not necessarily the best beer to slam at a softball game or use as the next step up for your Bud Light drinking friends. It is, however, one of the best beers ever for serving with most foods. It has so much flavor going on that it complements darned near everything, from rich stews to grilled sandwiches.
Labels: 99 Botttles of Beer, beer
I like the name! Turbo would be a good dog name.
Nice review. I'm more of a liquor guy myself, but do appreciate a good beer every now and again. So it's nice to hear about the lesser-known brands that can bring a new experience to the palate.
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