This Says it All
Bush stepping on our nation's flag while commemorating his first huge failure. Perfect.

Aging gracefully and dispensing wisdom from Kansas City.
Bush stepping on our nation's flag while commemorating his first huge failure. Perfect.
posted by Dan at 9/11/2006 07:37:00 PM
I saw this earlier and thought (hoped?) it was photoshopped.
It does seem oddly appropriate though.
I suspect photoshop. The stance is pretty awkward, even for Bush. That is not a natural pose. I'm sure the anti-Bush crew will interpret that as just showing the President going out of his way to step on the flag.
All of Bush's stances, gestures and postures have seemed awkward for the last 6 years. It's like even HE realizes that he shouldn't be there and is trying to "act presidential" and can't quite pull it off.
Wouldn't surprise me a bit to find him stepping on a flag ant not realize it till someone tells him later.
He's clueless.
But it probably was photoshopped. His handlers are smarter than he is. Hard to believe they'd let him do something that stupid.
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