Will the Real #2 Stand Up?
One of the odd recurring themes in Bush's mistaken war on Iraq is the fact that every couple months or so we capture the second or third most important terrorist in Iraq. Being the second or third most important terrorist in Iraq must be the most dangerous position in the world. Somehow Osama bin Laden continues to wander around the world, but his underlings are picked up with shocking regularity.
Oddly, if you google the latest #2 captive, you wouldn't find his name ANYWHERE. Until this morning, the second-most important terrorist in Iraq was less famous than almost anyone I know. Strange. It's almost as if someone in the Bush administration is trying to spin unimportant captures into chimerical "successes".

Let me introduce you to him courtesy of Al Jazeera. If my link doesn't work, just google Al Jazeera and he'll pop right up for you, with picture. He's the guy who ordered the bombing of the golden mosque which without doubt inflamed the secular conflict between the Shias and Sunnis. Pretty important guy in my book. Do you disagree?
If there happens to be a grain of truth in it, sure. Can you find anything dating from before today? I didn't mean that the spin machine hasn't done a fine job of creating hype about him today . . .
I somehow doubt Al Jazeera spins Bush's way. Guess the fact he's not been on google means the CIA doesn't use google lol
I see he has a number of alias names.
It's almost as if someone in the Bush administration is trying to spin unimportant captures into chimerical "successes".
Dan, Dan, Dan. So cynical. Everyone knows that we are the Good Guys and Our Government would never stoop to tactics like that. The only thing we get from Our Government is The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth!
Dang, I went to Santacaligon for a couple of hours today and musta picked some sorta crack/meth/hillbilly contact high. I could feel my IQ dopping with every mullet and tube top I saw. I'll be fine after a few hours of detox.
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