They're Fine, But Come On . . .

President (God I miss him) Clinton hosted a get-together for a bunch of bloggers (my invitation must have been lost in the mail), and this group picture was taken.
Sure enough, the repressed right found something upsetting about the event. But guess what it was . . .
10 points to whomever noticed that the woman in front of President (God I miss him) Clinton has breasts!
No, I'm not kidding. That pair of breasts ignited a firestorm of tut-tutting from the right.
Talk about making mountains out of . . .
I find it odd that a feminist would be willing to meet with President Clinton. But I think it's beyond ludicrous all the fuss that's been made about this. Don't those people have better things to do with their time, like harrassing gay people for wanting equal rights?
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