Tuesday, November 21, 2006

2005 Spam Emails

Checking the spam folder ranks way down on my list of priorities, so they tend to stack up. Right now, I have 2005 spam emails at my main email address, and a review of them brings a few thoughts to mind.

1. If Cana Petroleum really does go from $2.00 a share to around $10 a share within the next few weeks, I am going to feel pretty stupid for not paying attention to the emails that Jess Jacob and dozens of others have sent me. They say that opportunity only knocks once, but this investment opportunity has been pounding on my spam folder many, many times.

2. Why would I trust my health to a pharmacist selling "Vi@GrA"? If they can't even spell a six letter word correctly, what are the odds of them sending me the right pills?

3. Why are all these banks closing my accounts? And why do I have so many suspicious activity alerts from Ebay and Paypal? I keep on updating my accounts at the sites included in their emals . . .

4. The most clever spammers are the penis enlargement ones. Somehow, they get around my spam filter by making it look like they've all been forwarded from my wife's account.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up with those stock emails? I've been getting them too. My Thunderbird mail client nailed every one until this morning.

I don't get any Viagra ones. At least not yet!

11/21/2006 8:28 AM  

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