Theresa Garza Ruiz WAY Ahead of the Game - Day 89 of the Jackson County Ethics Blackout

Perhaps even more impressive is that Theresa Garza Ruiz had the foresight to write about Ethical Home Rule months before the Jackson County Legislature decided to exempt itself from local ethical oversight. Way back in July of 2008, Theresa Garza Ruiz wrote a fascinating history of the development of Home Rule from the 18th Century up until present times. You should really go read it if you want proof that all our county legislators are not knuckleheads installed by dying political machines.
She also outlines the crux of the issue that consumes county-watchers during this Ethics Blackout:
The Ethics Commission is part of our county charter. In order to change any portion of our charter, it must come before the voters. The commission’s ability to thoroughly investigate a complaint is well within its power and is outlined in our home rule.
With that quotation, Garza Ruiz warned the legislature not to embark on its current path toward monarch. They ignored her, and now we are stuck without an Ethics Commission and with a public opinion of our legislators that has sunk to sewer level.
Why in the world is Theresa Garza Ruiz not the Chair of the Legislature? We would be in a far better position if she were . . .
(Honestly, I hadn't intended to do a post today, and was planning on saving this piece until a weekday, but an old friend sent me a link to this awesome Cobra, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to use it.)
Labels: Jackson County Ethics Blackout, jackson county Ethics Crisis, Scott Burnett, Theresa Garza Ruiz
Again, I ask the question why has Scott Burnett not given Ms. Garza a chance to serve on committees where she can make a difference and watch over the spending of our tax dollars? Dan you keep giving Scott a pass and he is playing a leading role in disenfranchising all of us by excluding ethical legislators from key roles.
Anonymous -
I would happily answer that question if I had an answer. I don't. I can only assume that the reason he hasn't done so is that he has become friends with the convicts on the Legislature, and they don't want anyone with high ethics anywhere near the money. But that's just a guess - there may be other reasons.
Dan was your wife appointed to the so-called Ethics Commission by Ms. Shields?
Will Theresa run for mayor?
We already have Carson Ross out here in Blue Springs.
What enforcement actions were taken during your wife's tenure on the commission, Dan?
But if Theresa moves to KCMO, she could run for mayor in KCMO.
Anon @1127,
She could, but....Theresa is a very intelligent person, and that would just be dumb.
The reason Theresa is not allowed to chair committees or the Legislature is because she won't roll over for the good old boys. She's stood up for the right thing too many times and not shied away from speaking up.
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