Slapping Paint on the Wreck of JaCo Legislators' Ethics - Day 79 of the Jackson County Ethics Blackout

Like crooked car dealers, they're going to try to slap a coat of paint on the wreck, and try to sell it as fixed.
While it's a slimy, sneaky, cynical tactic intended to fool inattentive citizens into thinking they've done the right thing, I could not be happier that they may be dumb enough to give it a try. Bogus "improvements" to the Ethics Code will backfire on the Legislature, and may save the political careers of those legislators smart enough to abandon the majority.
As an advocate of ethical government, I am thrilled that the Jackson County Legislature will bring this issue up again, for a fresh round of publicity and attention. I've talked and corresponded with several of them, and they have absolutely no defense for their refusal to accept Ethical Home Rule. "Double jeopardy" is the best argument they have, but it holds no water, and nobody is going to feel sorry when those who begged for our votes whine about the terms of their office.
Will a fresh ordinance that excludes Ethical Home Rule pass unanimously? I think the leadership might be in for a surprise. Why would anyone but the most arrogant and recalcitrant hack vote again to create a bright shining issue for the 2010 election? Why not distinguish yourself from the "Go along to get along" corruption on the County Legislature, and inoculate yourself from those who will be running on a pro-Ethics platform in 2010? A new ordinance will give the good legislators an opportunity to distance themselves from the bad ones. If certain political clubs weigh in by tying support for Ethical Home Rule to their endorsements, voting with the anti-Ethical majority will be too much obedience to expect.
Revisiting the Ethics Ordinance without accepting local oversight demonstrates an electoral death wish. Fortunately, our Jackson County Legislature may be dumb enough to blunder into the trap.
Labels: 2010 Elections, Jackson County Ethics Blackout, jackson county Ethics Crisis
Maybe people should stop by Scott Burnett's Mardi Gras Party at The Levee tonight and protest the corrupt son of a bitch. The party begins around 5.
It would be wonderful if there was a way to spoil the fun for our corrupt, self-dealing, dumb as a bag of Kansas dirt Chair of the County Legislature.
That goes for his Kentucky Derby Party at The Levee too. They operate an illegal gambling game at the Kentucky Derby Party every year and the cops turn a blind eye.
The newsmedia needs to be covering these events. They need to look past what ever charity that Scott claims to be benefiting and focus in on the lobbyists that show up there with checks in hand, and the gambling games that pay real payoffs to betters.
It is all illegal Scott. Maybe if The Levee lost its liquour licence for a time in response to a gambling violation, it just might get your attention Scott, you crook.
Oh, come on. I disagree with Scott on this and several other things, but if you really think that throwing a Derby party is a huge problem, I can't quite go along with it.
If you want to knock Scott for his positions, go for it. If you want to crash a fun party, take a chill pill.
Scott Burnett is a fraud Dan. This unwillingness to submit himself to local ethics oversight just proves the case.
Good post Dan.
Who would post at 3:41 am?
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