Beer Lessons!!

I learned Monday that the Kansas City Bier Meisters homebrewing club is considering conducting a special class on beer judging. The focus of the class will be preparation for the intensive Beer Judge Certification Program examination, but it will also serve as a world-class education about beer and all its variations.
They need 20 people to sign up by the end of tomorrow so they can decide whether to hold the class, so email me today ( if you are interested.
The class will be divided into 5 sessions on Sunday afternoons, probably around I-35 and Lamar, and will cost $30 per session. For an investment of $150, you can learn enough to be recognized as a real beer know-it-all, if you take and pass the exam.
The exam will be a three hour, closed book exam divided into two portions (Written & Tasting):
Written Portion
- Ten essay questions, worth 70% of your total score (though I've heard that this might now be multiple-choice)
**One question on BJCP and basic brewing skills
**Four technical questions
**Five beer style questions
Tasting Portion
- Four exam beers, worth 30% of total score
**Judge beers as in competition, but no references
**Beers may be homebrew, commercial, blended, doctored, or mis-categorized.
If you become a BJCP judge, you will be invited to homebrew contests around the nation, and have the opportunity to taste and offer feedback to some of the greatest and most creative brewers in the world. Plus, you get to spend 5 Sunday afternoons drinking beer . . .
Labels: beer
This sounds like a great opportunity to improve my BQ (Beer-IQ). Unfortunately I dunna have $15o to spare in that direction right now. I hope it happens tho, for you and anybody else that can sign up!
I'm pretty much reposting this on Fat City and spreading the word over there.
Also I would be honored to be included amongst the 20. 19 to go!
Sounds like fun! I'm in, depending on the dates.
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